
This is to certify that the following students have successfully completed the final project named as:
Tutoronic at The University of the Punjab, to fulfill the partial requirement of the degree of Bachelors
in Information Technology

Sr#External EntityInitial Requirements
1AdminAdmin will be able to edit delete any registered user.
AdminAdmin will be able to add, edit, or delete categories of the courses.
2StudentThe student will be able to register themselves using their name, email, password, contact #, and profile pic (Optional).
3 Student The student will be able to update their profile information and change their account password.
4 Student The student will be able to enroll in the course(Paid, Free).
5StudentThe student pays for the course via Paypal, Debit Card.
6StudentThe system will alert through Email to users who forget passwords.
7TeacherThe teacher will be able to register themselves using their name, email, password, contact #, address, bio, and profile pic (Optional).
Teacher The teacher will be able to update their profile information and change their account password.
TeacherThe teacher will receive payment for the courses they added.
TeacherThe teacher will be able to add the new course.
TeacherThe teacher will be able to add videos regarding their course.
TeacherThe teacher will request withdrawal money if a certain threshold is reached.
AdminAdmin can approve the courses.
AdminAdmin can edit/delete courses in imbigious.
AdminAdmin will update their profile.
AdminAdmin can approve withdrawal requests by the teacher.

Allocate Requirements

SR#Initial RequirementsUse Case Name
System “Shall” be able to register the new users(Student, or Teacher), update and delete registered users.
System “shall” be able to log in to the registered user(Student, or Teacher).
The student “will” log in to the system and can change his Password.
The Students request to change their password by using their email(Email is sent to their registered email).
The student can update their profile.
Students can see the course details(like category, teacher name, etc).
The student can see all course’s demo videos only before enrollment.
The Student can enroll in new courses(Paid, or Free).
Student can see their total enrolled courses.
Students can watch all videos of their enrolled courses.
Students can switch from one video to another video of playing the course.
Students can comment on playing video.
Students can reply to the teacher’s reply(comment).
Teachers can see the total revenue earned from the courses they uploaded.
The Teacher will be able to update their profile.
The Student request to the change password by using their email(Email is sent to their registered email.)
Teachers can see the total number of students enrolled in their courses.
The teacher will be able to add, edit, or delete a course.
The teacher will add, edit, or delete Videos of a course.
The teacher will read comments on their courses.
The teacher will reply to student comments from Teacher’s panel.
The teacher will request withdrawal money.
Admin will add, update, or delete course categories.
Admin will be approved courses added by teachers.
Admin sends emails to teachers about new announcements.
Admin “will” add, edit, update or delete Courses.
Admin can approve payment withdrawal requests by the teacher.

Use case description wioth duagrams

Use case Description

Following are the descriptions of all the use cases in the system.

Use Case UC_1: Registration

User, Student

Brief description

This website allows the above-mentioned users to register themselves by creating their accounts.


User must have a proper interface to access and to provide required basic personal information to be
registered to the website.

Basic flow

  • The Student, or Teacher will visit the website.
  • The Student, or Teacher will request to create an account.
  • An interface will be provided to Student, or Teacher as a Registration form.
  • The customer fills out all the essential details.

Alternate flows

The Student or Teacher will not register if Email is already is in use i.e in the database.

Post conditions

The Student is registered to the system as a Student.

The Teacher is registered to the system as a Teacher.

Use Case UC_2: Login



Brief description

The registered Admin/Student/Teacher can log in to the website as they are not yet logged in to the system.


Registered Student/Teacher/Admin must be a valid User of the system to access the services and requests to
log in to the system.

Basic flow

  • An interface will be provided to the registered Studen/teacher/admin requesting login.
  • The registered user enters the required information to be logged in.
  • The system validates the user.
  • The user is logged in to the system.

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